Some people’s reaction to tragedy is to weep.
I edit.
You might have noticed that I don’t usually get political on this site, mainly out of humility; I don’t understand enough to get involved in one side or the other.
This isn’t about politics, because I don’t know politics.
But what I do know is words.
What I do understand is grammar and the importance of using language precisely and accurately. And the tragic consequences if you don’t.
Perhaps I’m just a writer and editor at heart, but I couldn’t help making a few corrections to the story of the funerals as told by Al-Jazeera. I have taken the liberty of fixing a few things.
I think my edits make the article much better.
Even better would have been if it hadn’t needed to be written at all.
Funeral held for slain Israeli
settlersboysBurials held for three
young settlers16-year-old boys whodisappearedwere kidnapped weeks ago as well as for [one, unrelated] Palestinianshot by Israeli forces.[If you don’t mention who killed the Israeli boys, why are you pointing out who shot the Palestinian one? This is flawed parallel structure, and as an editor, I won’t stand for it.]
Israel has
held funerals forburied threeyoung settlersbeloved boys found dead near Hebron inthe Occupied West BankIsrael more than two weeks after theywent missingwere abducted.[Many hundreds of] Thousands gathered for the burials of Gilad Shaar, 16, Naftali Fraenkel, 16, and Eyal Yifrah, 19, in the
West BankIsraeli city of Modi'in [,home to the Biblical Maccabees,] on Tuesday.The
settlerschildrendisappearedwere abducted on June 12 while hitchhiking home froma religious school in Kfar Etzion, an illegal settlement between Bethlehem and Hebronschool, as millions of kids do every day without incident, probably guaranteed somewhere in the U.N.’s Rights of the Child, and were last heard in abriefheartbreaking emergency call to police.Their bodies were
foundheartlessly dumped near theWest BankMuslim Arab [just a coincidence, folks!] village of Halhoulon Monday night.Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has blamed the
Palestinianterrorist group Hamas for the killings, spoke of the "murderers who with endless cruelty and without the blink of an eye, violated the ancient order not to raise a hand against a boy".Netanyahu has already vowed the group would pay for the deaths. Speaking
before[the extra word here was just their mistake; probably non-malicious] before Israel's security cabinet convened for a second time in two days, he said that Israel "must strike hard at Hamas people and infrastructure in the West Bank" and would weigh further attacks to prevent rocket fire from Gaza on southern Israel.Palestinian [also, but unrelatedly] mourned
Meanwhile [in a completely unrelated event inserted here to distract from the main event], hundreds of Palestinians mourned the death on Tuesday of a 19-year-old Palestinian man shot
dead[redundant; if it’s his funeral, we know already] byIsraeli forcesunmurdered Israeli teenage soldierswho haveduring a raid in Jenin Refugee Camp inthe occupied territoryIsrael, [which was founded in 1953 by the Arab nation of Jordan to house their fellow Arabs to whom they refused citizenship, creating a brutal breeding zone for terror which has spawned more suicide bombers and militant attacks than any other Palestinian city].…
This article continues in this vein, devoting nearly 400 words to injustices caused by Israel – with under 200 spared for the three teens in an article allegedly about their funerals. Honestly, any decent editor would have chopped it after Netanyahu’s statement.
Let’s all be editors and take our red pens to terror wherever we are. If you read a newspaper report that twists reality so badly it threatens to break, write to them, cancel your subscription, leave a comment – do something.
A couple of sites that can help:
- (or HonestReporting on facebook)
- Committee for Accuracy in Middle-East Reporting in America
- Dishonest reporting – from
- 25 Answers to Tough Questions About Israel, from StandWithUs – countering anti-Israel bias on campus
Fantastic job
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