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Called Up
Say Shalom... and other lies of Hebrew school
Introducing: The unique Israeli holiday celebration you’re not going to want to miss! (with video)
Which instant coffee is best in Israel–? (with handy Hebrew coffee vocabulary)
A small Pesach adventure close to home

The happy couple

IMG_00002912In Toronto, there are so many beautiful pictures to have wedding pictures taken:  parks, indoor conservatories, historic buildings.  Especially at picturesque times of year (which, in Toronto, is anytime there isn’t snow all over the place), you can see couples having their pictures taken in all these spots.

Here, some couples seem to prefer a more prosaic, down-to-earth style, like this happy pair I spotted yesterday in Machane Yehuda, a busy, crowded, pushy, shove-y, noisy shuk (middle-eastern market) in the most traditional sense.


I wonder if they deliberately picked late on a Thursday afternoon, knowing it would be the busiest and thus most atmospheric time to have their pictures taken.  In any event, the shuk-sellers, regular shoppers and legions of tourists like me were very friendly and accommodating, most smiling as they watched what was going on.

Here they are a bit later on and farther down the road, enjoying a quick (kosher) Re:Bar break, as their photographer and crew run around snapping bazillions of photos:


Looking at these pictures after the fact, I was startled to realize that most of the people in the crowd weren’t religious; I don’t know why, but because everything (or almost everything, I haven’t checked every single stall) is kosher, I tended to assume the shuk had a more frum clientele.  Weird.  Not bad, just interesting.

Home now after extensive U-shaped travels around this marvellous new land of mine.  Good Shabbos!!!


  1. My daughter's good friend got married this past Tuesday and also took pictures in the shuk (without the chatan, since they didn't see each other til the wedding)!

  2. Nice, and mazal tov to them! I think it shows a true love of Yerushalayim and Medinat Yisrael at their most prosaic. :-)


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